I'm just going to come out and say it: I milked a buffalo yesterday. Yes, a buffalo. And all I could think was "so this is where delicious mozzerella comes from..."
I'm living with a host family on a small farm in a village about 45 minutes away from Delhi. The family is wonderful. Its a large extended family with several generations, and I haven't been able to keep straight how each person is related to the other. There are two small children, one is 6, the other 4 (I think). Indian kids seem really small for their age...the 6 year old is about Ryan or Collin's size! They've warmed up to me and follow me around a lot. We point at different things (a peacock, cow, buffalo, airplane, etc) and they'll say it in Hindi and I'll say it in English and then we try to pronounce it in the other's language and end up giggling a lot. They're adorable. There are 3 teenagers, a girl and two boys. I get along with all of them really well. After work today I'm going into the village with them to look at shops and maybe get my eyebrows threaded. The next generation is a bit older than I am, then the parents, and then
their parents. Its a little confusing. Only a handful of them speak any English, but we manage to communicate and I think they like me anyway. I'm trying to learn a little simple Hindi, but of course there's only so much I can learn in 3 weeks!
They are Hindu and vegetarian, and they make amazing food. They were surprised and pleased to hear that I was also a vegetarian. They try to feed me a lot, and laugh at me when I say I can't eat any more. They also had me try a plain, raw green chilli and everyone watched my face to see my reaction. Luckily, I held my own even though it was pretty hot. They told me they belong to the "Jatt" farmer/service worker caste. They said that although they are not rich, they still live well, honestly and simply. I think their house is absolutely beautiful. Its 3 (albeit narrow) stories tall, with lots of open veranda-like spaces. The rooms have lots of windows and ceiling fans. It makes the summer heat bearable. The heat isn't quite as bad here, away from smoggy Delhi.
Also, I'm drinking a LOT of chai (tea). Its the social drink here, so I have it at home, at work...everywhere. Its a good thing I like chai! And I realized that drinking hot tea on a warm summer day isn't as bad as it sounds.
Work is going really well. The organization I'm volunteering with is called Child Survival India. They have a variety of programs including HIV/AIDS prevention and care, general medical care, legal resources, domestic violence/abuse support. They focus on rural slum populations.
Yesterday evening I sat with the whole family on the 3rd floor, most of which is the roof deck (still marble). It looked like a storm was coming. Its not technically the monsoon season yet, but I think it might rain today anyway. It was really exciting. The winds picked up and there was lightning and dramatic clouds. It didn't rain more than a few drops, though. We stayed outside until after 11pm, chatting, watching and waiting for the storm. They think I should come back to visit and stay longer. They said if I can't come back for a year or so, then I can bring a husband with me (ha!).
So, basically, I really like it here. I adore my host family and I enjoy and respect the organization I'm working with very much. I was worried that India would be too overwhelming for me. I think Delhi could drive a person crazy, but out here in the village its lovely.