Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This morning Dominic and I woke up at an ungodly hour (8:00 am) and went to the airport. I had such a lovely time with him in Dubai! Yesterday we went to the historical district and had an amaaazing middle eastern meal. I'm really happy that he is moving back to San Francisco soon, possibly as early as July!!

The flight went well. The immigration official upon my departure from the UAE left his phone number in my passport. How unprofessional is that?? But pretty funny, nonetheless. I arrived here and realized that its a good 10 degrees Celsius cooler here than in the UAE. I'd been bracing myself for India to be horribly hot, and its definitely warm, but its relatively tolerable!

My birthday is on Saturday and Im going with a group of other volunteers to see the Taj Mahal! I think that sounds like a wonderful birthday plan. And the other volunteers seem really nice, so I dont think I'll be too, too lonely. Of course, I will miss you all terribly anyway.

I couldnt upload my photos in Dubai because the UAE has censored internet and you cant access sites like Flickr! Sorry. I'll get around to it eventually, I'm sure...

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